Clock & Control MASTER, CPLD code

Martin Postranecky, Dominic A Hayes

Logic comprised of four Mach5 CPLDs. All firmware for these was developed using MachXL V6.22 and Minc's Design Synthesis Language (DSL) and downloaded to the devices via JTAG using VantisPro software. Documentation here includes the DSL source (.src file), the physical information (.pi file), and the generated documentation (.doc file).

  1. PLD1, VME interface (Mach5-128/120-7YC)


  2. PLD2, GFLT interface (Mach5-512/184-7HC)


  3. PLD3, dah dah logic (Mach5-512/184-7HC)


  4. PLD4, dah dah dah logic. (Mach5-512/184-7HC)

DAH / 3 Mar 00