spectrometerFunctions.h File Reference

Function definitions for the spectrometer macros. More...

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Double_t spectrometerSBendSynchEnergyLossEB (Double_t Energy, Double_t BField, Double_t sLength)
Double_t spectrometerSBendSynchEnergyLossERho (Double_t Energy, Double_t Rho, Double_t sLength)
Double_t spectrometer4MagChicaneEnergy (Double_t Offset, Double_t Lm, Double_t Lb, Double_t Bdl1, Double_t Bdl2)
Double_t spectrometer4MagChicaneEnergyErr (Double_t Offset, Double_t OffsetErr, Double_t Lm, Double_t LmErr, Double_t Lb, Double_t LbErr, Double_t Bdl1, Double_t Bdl1Err, Double_t Bdl2, Double_t Bdl2Err)
Double_t spectrometer4MagChicaneOffset (Double_t Energy, Double_t Lm, Double_t Lb, Double_t Bdl1, Double_t Bdl2)
Double_t spectrometerGetOrbit (Double_t *pos, Double_t *zpos, Int_t n, Double_t z, TF1 *f)
Double_t spectrometerGetLinearOrbit (Double_t *pos, Double_t *zpos, Int_t n, Double_t z)
Double_t spectrometerGetParabolicOrbit (Double_t *pos, Double_t *zpos, Int_t n, Double_t z)

Detailed Description

Function definitions for the spectrometer macros.

Function Documentation

Double_t spectrometer4MagChicaneEnergy ( Double_t  Offset,
Double_t  Lm,
Double_t  Lb,
Double_t  Bdl1,
Double_t  Bdl2 

Calculates the beam energy in a 4 magnet chicane The formula used is as follows :

\[ E_{beam} = \frac{ec}{ \Delta x} \left( ( L_{m} + L_{b} ) \int B_{1}dl + L_{b} \int B_{2}dl \right) \]

Where $ \Delta x $ represents the Offset at center of the chicane. A sketch is shown here


Sketch showing the energy calculation in a 4 magnet chicane.

Note that the sign of the field has to be taken into account !

Offset The offset at center of the chicane [m]
Lm The distance between the centers of the two first magnets [m]
Lb The distance between the center of the second magnet and the center BPM [m]
Bdl1 The integrated field in the first magnet [T.m]
Bdl2 The integrated field in the second magnet [T.m]
The energy value in GeV

Double_t spectrometer4MagChicaneEnergyErr ( Double_t  Offset,
Double_t  OffsetErr,
Double_t  Lm,
Double_t  LmErr,
Double_t  Lb,
Double_t  LbErr,
Double_t  Bdl1,
Double_t  Bdl1Err,
Double_t  Bdl2,
Double_t  Bdl2Err 

Calculates the uncertainty on the energy from error propagation

Offset The offset at center of the chicane [m]
OffsetErr ... error on that
Lm The distance between the centers of the two first magnets [m]
LmErr ... error on that
Lb The distance between the center of the second magnet and the center BPM [m]
LbErr ... error on that
Bdl1 The integrated field in the first magnet [T.m]
Bdl1Err ... error on that
Bdl2 The integrated field in the second magnet [T.m]
Bdl2Err ... error on that
The error on the energy value in GeV

Double_t spectrometer4MagChicaneOffset ( Double_t  Energy,
Double_t  Lm,
Double_t  Lb,
Double_t  Bdl1,
Double_t  Bdl2 

Calculates the beam offset in a 4 magnet chicane

Energy The electron beam energy in [GeV]
Lm The distance between the centers of the two first magnets [m]
Lb The distance between the center of the second magnet and the center BPM [m]
Bdl1 The integrated field in the first magnet [T.m]
Bdl2 The integrated field in the second magnet [T.m]
The beam offset at center of the chicane in meter

Double_t spectrometerGetLinearOrbit ( Double_t *  pos,
Double_t *  zpos,
Int_t  n,
Double_t  z 

Extrapolates the orbit using a straight line for a series of given positions and z positions at z.

pos Array of n measured positions
zpos Array of n z positions corresponding to the measured ones
n The number of measured positions
z The z coordinate at which to evaluate the function
The orbit position at z

Double_t spectrometerGetOrbit ( Double_t *  pos,
Double_t *  zpos,
Int_t  n,
Double_t  z,
TF1 *  f 

Extrapolates the orbit for a series of given positions and z positions at z. The extrapolation function is given by a general TF1 f

pos Array of n measured positions
zpos Array of n z positions corresponding to the measured ones
n The number of measured positions
z The z coordinate at which to evaluate the function
f The function to fit the orbit
The orbit position at z

Double_t spectrometerGetParabolicOrbit ( Double_t *  pos,
Double_t *  zpos,
Int_t  n,
Double_t  z 

Extrapolates the orbit using a parabola for a series of given positions and z positions at z.

pos Array of n measured positions
zpos Array of n z positions corresponding to the measured ones
n The number of measured positions
z The z coordinate at which to evaluate the function
The orbit position at z

Double_t spectrometerSBendSynchEnergyLossEB ( Double_t  Energy,
Double_t  BField,
Double_t  sLength 

Calculates the energy loss due to synchrotron radiation in a sector bending magnet from the beam energy and the magnetic field.

The formula is given by :

\[ \int P_\gamma dt = \frac{ e^2c^2 C_\gamma}{2\pi}E^2B^2L = \frac{C_\gamma}{2\pi}\frac{E^4}{\rho}L \]

where $ P_\gamma $ is the power radiated by an electron in a magnetic field $B$ and $L$ the pathlength through the field. $E$ is it's energy and $C_\gamma$ is the synchrotron radiation constant. Just for reference, $P_\gamma$ is given by

\[ P_\gamma = \frac{ e^2c^3 C_\gamma}{2\pi}E^2B^2 = \frac{cC_\gamma}{2\pi}\frac{E^4}{\rho} \]

Energy The energy of the electron beam in GeV
BField The magnetic field of the magnet in Tesla
sLength The sector length through the magnet
The energy loss in GeV

Double_t spectrometerSBendSynchEnergyLossERho ( Double_t  Energy,
Double_t  Rho,
Double_t  sLength 

Calculates the energy loss due to synchrotron radiation in a sector bending magnet from the beam energy and the magnet bending radius. For the formulat see the EB version of this routine...

Energy The energy of the electron beam in GeV
Rho The magnet bending radius in meter
sLength The sector length through the magnet
The energy loss in GeV

Generated on Fri Dec 14 15:55:25 2007 for spectrometer by  doxygen 1.5.1