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HEP Seminars & Vivas

22 Feb 2025

UCL HEP Seminars 1997

: Paul Dauncey (RAL)

Measuring the CKM angle gamma at BaBar

: Neville Harnew (Oxford)

Observation of ring patterns with a pixellated single-photon detector

The proposed LHC-B experiment at CERN will use a novel photon detection device called the hybrid Photon Detector (HPD) to recognise rings of Cherenkov light produced by high energy particles in matter. Electrons from a photocathode surface in the HPD are accelerated and detected in a silicon pad detctor. NB. This is not a Bloomsbury seminar, but one of a series organised but CAIS/Sira UCL postgrad centre. It will be at 3pm in the M.Res seminar room, 66-72 Gower St.

: Phil Burrows (SLAC)

Testing the Standard Model using Polarised Electrons, a Micro-vertex Detector and Particle Identification: the SLD Experiment at SLAC

: Prof. Ian Percival, QMW

Quantum technology and quantum foundations (Joint with Molecular and Atomic Physics, will be held in A1)

: Prof. Basil Hiley, Birkbeck

Alternative Quantum Mechanical Interpretations: Do they really help? (Joint with Molecular and Atomic Physics, will be held in A1)

: Stan Wojcicki (Stanford U.)

Brookhaven Rare Kaon Decay Experiment

: Herbi Dreiner (RAL)

R-parity violation

: Vakhtang Kartvelishvili (Manchester)

SVD Approach to Data Unfolding

Distributions measured in high energy physics experiments are usually distorted and/or transformed by various detector effects. A regularization method for unfolding these distributions is re-formulated in terms of the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of the response matrix. A relatively simple, yet quite efficient unfolding procedure is explained in detail. The concise linear algorithm results in a straightforward implementation with full error propagation, including the complete covariance matrix and its inverse. Several improvements upon widely used procedures are proposed, and recommendations are given how to simplify the task by the proper choice of the matrix. Ways of determining the optimal value of the regularization parameter are suggested and discussed, and several examples illustrating the use of the method are presented.

: Mike Seymour (RAL) THURSDAY!!

The Internal Structure of QCD Jets

: Jan Lauber (UCL)

Summary of Jerusalem conference (EPS97)

: Mark Hayes (Bristol University)

Hard diffractive scattering in photo-production at HERA

: Tony Rooke (University College London)

Summary of the Photon 97 conference

: Peter F. Smith (RAL)

Measurement of the neutrino mass from supernova

: Allan Skillman (University College London)

Determination of the Trilinear Gauge Couplings in WW events at LEP II at a center of mass energy of 172 GeV

: John Thompson (RAL)

ALEPH LEP 2 Results

: Claude Bourrely (Birkbeck)(UCL)

Theory of Deep inelastic scattering

: Lynne Orr (University of Rochester)

Gluon Radiation in Top Quark Production and Decay

The strong force causes quarks to radiate gluons with a large probability. Because these gluons appear in experiments as jets of hadrons which are typically indistinguishable from jets due to quarks, making sense of these experiments requires understanding gluon radiation. This is particularly important for top physics because uncertainties in future top measurements will be dominated by systematic effects associated with gluon radiation. Gluons can be radiated during both top production and decay; both processes must be taken into account. In this seminar I discuss gluon radiation in top quark production and decay at present and future colliders (both hadron and electron-positron colliders), and some implications of the results.

: Jon Butterworth (UCL)

HERA and the Leptoquark — Is the Standard Model dead ?

Results presented last week by the H1 and ZEUS experiments at DESY, Hamburg (and submitted to journals this week) have caused something of a stir. Interest focusses on comparisons between positron-proton scattering data and the predictions of the 'Standard Model' of particle physics. Anomalies are seen in the data when the four-momentum transfer is high (Q^2 > 15000 GeV^2) and the momentum fraction of the struck quark in the proton is around x = 0.5. After a simple outline of the Standard Model and of the experiments is given, the significance and implications of these anomalies will be examined.

: Boris Ruskov (Oxford)

From QED to QCD — from similarities to differences

The purpose of this lecture is to give an elementary introduction to basic ideas of the non-perturbative QCD. The universal gauge-theory description of QCD and QED will be given. Considering both models in parallel, we will explain the reason for similarities between them in the weak-coupling regime and crucial differences in the strong-coupling (non-perturbative) region. We will discuss some ideas on how these properties can be observed.

: No Seminar

OPAL UK Meeting

: Roger Barlow (Manchester)

Why physics lectures

: Jon Flynn (Southampton)

Some recent results from Lattice QCD

I review some recent lattice QCD results for quantities of phenomenological interest. After a brief consumer guide I will survey recent results for some or all of: B-meson decay constant and mixing parameter, K-meson mixing parameter, strong coupling constant, light quark masses and the lightest scalar glueball.

: Hugh Gallagher (Oxford)

New Results on Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations from Soudan 2