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Liquid Argon

11 Mar 2025

The DUNE Experiment

The next step in neutrino oscillation physics

The DUNE (Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment) is the flagship neutrino experiment for the coming decade and beyond. It will use a new high power 1.2MW (later 2.4MW) neutrino beam built at Fermilab in the US, which will traverse 1300km of earth before being detected by a gigantic liquid argon detector complex in the Sanford Underground Research Facility.

DUNE is expected to make the next leap forward in determining the neutrino mass hierarchy and measuring the charge parity (CP) violating phase delta which is the last remaining unmeasured parameter in the PMNS neutrino oscillation matrix. Confirming a non-zero value for delta-CP could prove instrumental for our understanding of fundamental physics and the evolution of the universe.

Past and Future Work

The UCL group has been involved in DUNE for a number of years, working on furthering our understanding of neutrino beam fluxes and systematic errors which will be crucial for DUNE. More recently we have become interested in the DUNE prototype detectors, especially protoDUNE Double-Phase also known as WA105, more information about which can be found on these pages here. The UCL group has also been involved in ensuring excellent radio-purity and purity of the DUNE detectors utilising experience in Dark Matter noble gas and liquid detectors and also building a purity monitor for the 3mx1mx1m protoDUNE Double-Phase smaller prototype detector at CERN.

More information about the DUNE experiment and the LBNF beam facility can be found on the experiment website. For questions about DUNE at UCL please contact Prof. Ryan Nichol or Dr. Anna Holin.