UCL Department of Physics and Astronomy »

High Energy Physics

21 Feb 2025

PBT Zarges 105L portable experimental enclosure

Category: Storage and Experimental Enclosures

Sub-Category: Experimental enclosure

Make/Model: Zarges K424 105L 41813

Storage location: D27 Physics

Year purchased: 2018

Experiment: PBT

Owner/Contact: Prof. Simon Jolly

Specifications: 800mm x 500mm x 385mm external; ~20kg; aluminium with wheels

Product details: https://www.zargescases.co.uk/product/k424xc-aluminium-mobile-case-105l/

Zarges flight case adapted for use as portable experimental enclosure. Fitted with Thorlabs optical breadboard. Light tight. Comes with optional wheels for ease of transport.

Print Standard Asset Tag (39 x 80mm)

Print Large Durable Asset Tag (59 x 190mm)